展览预告: naze naze 慢慢织布海外巡展荷兰站
naze naze 慢慢织布
-weaving slowly-
The Dulong Project's International Touring Exhibition
-weaving slowly-
The Dulong Project's International Touring Exhibition
9月28日 – 10月8日, 2022
Sept 28th – Oct 8th 2022
Eerste Constantijn Huygensstraat 78, Amsterdam
茶集场和将于2022年9月28日至10月8日展出“naze naze 慢慢织布——独龙族项目海外巡展”阿姆斯特丹站。展览呈现naze naze项目自2015年成立以来的发展轨迹,并围绕独龙族项目展开介绍naze naze与当地社群建立信任和协作关系的过程,以及所取得的成果。
From September 29 to October 8, 2022, CHAxART will host the international touring exhibition of 'naze naze weaving slowly - Dulong project' in Amsterdam. The exhibition will showcase naze naze's progress since its establishment in 2015, the trust-building and collaboration with the Dulong people, and the achievements so far.
独龙族是中国人口最少的少数民族,主要生活在中国西南部的云南省。在独龙族语中,“naze naze brao”意为 "慢慢织布”。一直以来,织布都是独龙族妇女生活中的一部分。在过去的7年里,naze naze与独龙江乡的织女通过织物而发展出了城乡互助的独特模式。在每年一次的回访中,聊天内容也逐渐从探讨配色、技艺延伸到了分享生活中的趣事。
2015年,naze naze独龙族项目由北京当代艺术基金会(BCAF)发起,由上海的可持续时尚品牌素然的Klee Klee团队负责设计开发与技术支持。该项目旨在保护、发展和展示独龙族独特的编织传统以及独龙江乡妇女的编织作品。作为以履行社会责任为己任的项目,naze naze的所有利润都会回馈于项目本身的持续运营和少数民族社群的发展。
The Dulong people are the smallest ethnic group in China, mainly living in Yunnan Province in southwestern China. In the Dulong language, "naze naze brao" means "weaving slowly". Weaving has always been a part of Dulong women's lives. Over the past 7 years, naze naze and the woman weavers from the Dulong River Valley have developed a unique model of urban-rural partnership through textiles. The naze naze project team revisits the Dulong community every year, and the chat content has gradually extended from discussing colour combinations and weaving techniques to sharing anecdotes about life.
In 2015, with the design and technical support from the klee klee team, a division of the sustainable fashion brand in Shanghai, Beijing Contemporary Art Foundation (BCAF) initiated the naze naze Dulong Project. It aims to protect, develop and present the unique weaving tradition of the Dulong people and the textiles made by the Dulong women. Taking social responsibility as its core mission, 100% of the profits are reinvested in local communities and the project's sustainable growth.
In the past 7 years, the exhibition of naze naze has been to many places in China such as Xi'an, Nantong, Bishan, Shenzhen. In June, naze naze also had a three-month exhibition at the Northing Space in Bergen, Norway, allowing the "rainbow" woven by the women weavers from the Dulong River Valley to travel across the regional border and the ocean, and cross the barriers of cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
作为本次展览活动的一部分,茶集场和将邀请naze naze的海外代表沈逸人和张子浓于展览结束当天(10月8日)下午3至4点在茶集空间举行线下交流会。除了分享来自独龙族项目的最新进展,他们还将介绍naze naze与其他还保留着纺织传统的地区的合作,特别是来自大利的侗族。2019年,naze naze 团队受到全球文化遗产基金会和北京ATLAS工作室邀请,参与大利侗族织物项目,与当地的织女共同挖掘传统手工侗布织造技艺,帮助当地社区和妇女实现他们的文化价值,并提供可持续的经济机会。
From 3 pm to 4 pm on October 8, 2022, we have invited SHEN Yiren and ZHANG Zinong, the overseas representatives of naze naze, to share their latest activities at CHAxART as part of the exhibition programs. In addition to the news of the Dulong project, they will introduce naze naze's future collaborations with weavers from other regions with a longstanding weaving tradition in China, particularly the Dong people in Dali. In 2019, Global Heritage Fund and Beijing's ATLAS studio invited the naze naze team to participate in the Dali Project. The project aims to bring to light the local women's hand-weaving techniques, unleashing the women's and the community's cultural potential and generating sustainable economic opportunities.